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Frequently asked questions

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Can I use my OCaml functions in specifications?

Sometimes. Logic and programs are two separated worlds, and using programs in our logic can introduce inconsistencies, so you cannot use OCaml values in your specifications. If you need to write functions as shortcuts in your specifications, you may want to add logical functions or predicates instead.

However, some OCaml functions are also safe to use in the specifications. We call them pure. You can read the dedicated documentation section about pure values to learn more about them.

Are formulae the same as OCaml Boolean expressions?

No. We chose a syntax close to OCaml expressions because we believe it makes it easy for OCaml developers to use Gospel, but Gospel formulae are not OCaml expressions, and some of them are not even executable or decidable.

The following specification is not executable, as you cannot test a property on every possible array:

val total_weight : weight:('a array -> int) -> ('a array) list -> int
(*@ y = total_weight ~weight l
requires forall a. weight a >= 0
ensures y = List.fold_left (fun acc a -> acc + weight a) 0 l *)

Are formulae typechecked by the OCaml compiler?

No. The OCaml compiler does not know about Gospel specifications at all, so it simply ignores them.

But... we, however, provide a typechecker for Gospel annotations. It reads your interface file and performs typechecking and some sanity checks to verify that your specification is well-formed. You can invoke the Gospel typechecker by invoking gospel check on your interface file.

Are formulae tested at runtime?

No. Gospel does not provide runtime assertion checking for your code, it can only check if your specifications are well-formed. If you are interested in runtime assertion checking for your code, you might want to use Ortac on top of Gospel.

Are formulae verified by Gospel?

No. Gospel does not feature deductive verification, it can only check if your specifications are well-formed. External tools will let you verify Gospel specifications though:

  • Why3gospel if your implementation is written using Why3.
  • Cameleer if your implementation is written using OCaml.

What if I write 1 / 0 in a formula?

You can. Indeed, the logic of Gospel is total, which means that 1 / 0 is a legal term of type integer. Yet, we do not know its value, nor if its value is the same as 2 / 0. Similarly, we can access an array out of its bounds but the result is unspecified.

Using such unspecified terms in specifications is considered bad practice, and is even likely to be errors in your specifications. Note that when using runtime assertion checking tools such as Ortac, the evaluation of terms such as 1 / 0 will be signaled as a runtime error.

What are ghost arguments?

Ghost arguments are function arguments that do not exist in the OCaml interface, but that you can add to simplify your specification. To understand how they can be useful and how to use them, you may want to read the Fibonacci walk-through.

What are ghost types for?

Ghost types do not exist in the original OCaml interface, but you can add some to simplify your specification by referring to values that have no code counterpart or are not exposed. You can read the Union-find example to find an example specification using this feature.

Why would I need ghost values?

Why would you need ghost values, since no code can call them, right? Ghost values will indeed never be used by programs, as they don't even exist in the code.

However, consider an interface containing a ghost type, taken as (ghost) argument by some of your OCaml functions:

(*@ type t *)

val f : int -> int
(*@ y = f [t : t] x
(* ... *) *)

Now, every specification that refers to f needs to pass the t argument to that function. You can propagate that requirement again, but you may also need to actually instantiate such a value and pass it directly:

(*@ function make : unit -> t *)

val g : int -> int
(*@ y = g x
ensures let t = make () in
f t x = y *)

Of course, make has to be declared (here as a ghost function) first to be able to use it in the specification of g.