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Fibonacci Numbers

In this example, we'll look into specifying an efficient implementation of a function computing Fibonacci numbers. This example is adapted from the article The Spirit of Ghost Code1.

The Problem

Recall that Fibonacci numbers are defined as follows:

F0=0F1=1Fi=Fi1+Fi2F_0 = 0\\ F_1 = 1\\ F_i = F_{i-1} + F_{i-2}

To begin, let's introduce this definition into the Gospel world by using an uninterpreted logical function along with an axiom defining it.

(*@ function fibonacci (n: integer) : integer *)
(*@ axiom a:
fibonacci 0 = 0
/\ fibonacci 1 = 1
/\ forall n. n >= 2 -> fibonacci n = fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2) *)

Below is an implementation of such a function. When a and b are two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, the following function computes the nth number ahead of a. Hence, fib n 0 1 is the nth Fibonacci number.

let rec fib n a b =
if n < 0 then invalid_arg "n must be non-negative";
if n = 0 then a
else fib (n-1) b (a+b)

Its signature is simple:

val fib : int -> int -> int -> int

A Simple Contract

Let's write a first contract for this interface.

val fib : int -> int -> int -> int
(*@ r = fib n a b
checks n >= 0
requires exists i.
i >= 0 /\ a = fibonacci i /\ b = fibonacci (i+1)
ensures forall i.
i >= 0 /\ a = fibonacci i /\ b = fibonacci (i+1)
-> r = fibonacci (i+n) *)

The contract is pretty straightforward:

  • The first precondition states that n must be non-negative. If n is negative, the function raises an exception, so this is a strong requirement.
  • The second precondition states that a and b are consecutive Fibonacci numbers.
  • The postcondition specifies that if a is the ith Fibonacci number, and b is the i+1th Fibonacci number, then r (the result of the computation) is the i+nth Fibonacci number.

Although this specification isn't complicated, it's quite verbose and repetitive. The term i >= 0 /\ a = fibonacci i /\ b = fibonacci (i+1) is repeated, and it actually refers to the same value of i in both occurrences. We can certainly do better.

Simplify by Using a Ghost Argument

Let's imagine for a moment that our fib function takes an additional argument, i, representing the index of a in the Fibonacci sequence (the same i that we've been using in the specification so far). Its contract could look like:

val fib : i:int -> int -> int -> int -> int
(*@ r = fib ~i n a b
checks n >= 0
requires i >= 0 /\ a = fibonacci i /\ b = fibonacci (i+1)
ensures r = fibonacci (i+n) *)

We don't need to quantify over i anymore, since it's provided to the function, but we still need to state the preconditions that apply to it (see the second clause). We don't need to repeat the previous condition on i either. If it holds in the prestate, then it also holds in the poststate because nothing here is mutable.

This contract is much easier to write, and more importantly, it's much easier to read and to reason about. We cheated a bit though: fib does not take this i argument, so modifying it for the sole purpose of specification seems quite intrusive.

To overcome this issue, Gospel provides ghost parameters. It lets you introduce logical arguments (or return values) that don't exist initially, so you can use them in the specifications and hopefully make them easier to understand.

Thus, we can rewrite our last attempt by using this feature and benefit from i being an argument without actually modifying the OCaml interface or implementation.

val fib : int -> int -> int -> int
(*@ r = fib [i: integer] n a b
checks n >= 0
requires i >= 0 /\ a = fibonacci i /\ b = fibonacci (i+1)
ensures r = fibonacci (i+n) *)

We're done! Using ghost parameters allows you to write elegant and concise contracts in places that would otherwise require complex constructs and repetitions.

  1. Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Léon Gondelman, Andrei Paskevich. The Spirit of Ghost Code. Formal Methods in System Design, Springer Verlag, 2016, 48 (3), pp.152-174. ⟨10.1007/s10703-016-0243-x⟩. ⟨hal-01396864