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Mutable Queues

This example aims to provide a formal specification for a mutable queue data structure, similar to OCaml's standard library Queue.

This work is adapted from the article GOSPEL -Providing OCaml with a Formal Specification Language1, which also features an implementation of the following specification that was formally verified using Why3gospel.

Modeling the Queue Datastructure

Let's start by defining the type of queues. The 'a t type represents a polymorphic queue, storing elements of type 'a. To enable reasoning about the elements of a queue, we attach one model to its type declaration:

type 'a t
(*@ mutable model view: 'a sequence *)

The model view represents the mathematical sequence of elements stored in the queue. The type 'a sequence is the type of logical sequences defined in the Gospel standard library and is for specifications only. The mutable keyword states that the view field can change over time.


This shows how Gospel annotations provide extra insight and are also relevant for documentation. The mutable keyword states that the type 'a t is mutable, which cannot be deduced from its OCaml declaration alone.

Pushing Into the Queue

Now let's declare and specify a push operation for these queues:

val push: 'a -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ push v q
modifies q
ensures q.view = Sequence.cons v (old q.view) *)
  • The first line of the specification is the header; it names the two arguments of push: v and q.
  • The modifies clause states that the function push may mutate the contents of q.
  • Finally, the ensures clause introduces a postcondition that describes the model view of q after a call to push. The new view extends the old value of view with the element v at the front. We use the keyword old to refer to the value of an expression (here, q.view) in the prestate, i.e., before the function call.

Note that the module Sequence is part of the Gospel standard library and should not be confused with module Seq from the OCaml standard library.

Various Flavors of pop

Now let's move to another function, pop, and illustrate three ways of handling assumptions from the client in Gospel specifications.

Exceptional Version

In this version, similar to the one provided by the OCaml standard library, pop raises an Empty exception if its argument is an empty queue. We specify this behaviour as follows:

exception Empty

val pop: 'a t -> 'a
(*@ v = pop q
modifies q
ensures old q.view = q.view ++ Sequence.cons v Sequence.empty
raises Empty -> q.view = old q.view = Sequence.empty *)

We have two postconditions:

  • The first one, introduced with ensures, states the postcondition that holds whenever the function pop returns a value v.
  • The second one, introduced by raises, states the exceptional postcondition that holds whenever the call raises the exception Empty.

Similarly to the push case, the clause modifies indicates that this function call may mutate q. Note that this applies to the exceptional case as well, and that's why we state that q is both empty and not modified.

Unsafe Version

Now, let us consider an unsafe variant of pop that should only be called on a non-empty queue, leaving the responsibility of that property to the client code. The function does not raise Empty anymore but instead expects a non-empty argument. We can thus add the following precondition to the contract using the keyword requires:

val unsafe_pop: 'a t -> 'a
(*@ v = unsafe_pop q
requires q.view <> Sequence.empty
modifies q
ensures old q.view = q.view ++ (Sequence.cons v Sequence.empty) *)

Defensive Version

Instead of assuming that the precondition is guaranteed by the caller, we can also adopt a more defensive approach where pop raises Invalid_argument whenever an empty queue is provided. Gospel provides a way to declare such a behavior, using checks instead of requires:

val pop: 'a t -> 'a
(*@ v = pop q
checks q.view <> Sequence.empty
modifies q
ensures old q.view = q.view ++ (Sequence.cons v Sequence.empty) *)

The checks keyword means that function itself checks the pre-condition q.view <> empty and raises Invalid_argument whenever it does not hold. Note that q.view is just a logical model and may not exist at all in the implementation. However, the function checks a property that, from a logical point of view, results in q.view not being empty.

A Small Break: is_empty

Our next function needs a simpler specification. Consider the following declaration for an emptiness test, together with its contract:

val is_empty: 'a t -> bool
(*@ b = is_empty q
ensures b <-> q.view = Sequence.empty *)

The postconditions capture that the function returns true if and only if the queue is empty.

Although very simple, the above specification implies an important property. Since no modifies clause is present, the argument q is read-only. We know that a call to is_empty does not modify q.view.

Creating Queues

The next function features the creation of a queue. Its declaration and specification are as follows:

val create: unit -> 'a t
(*@ q = create ()
ensures q.view = Sequence.empty *)

The newly created queue has no elements. Its view model equals the empty sequence, as stated by the postcondition.

It's worth mentioning that the specification implicitly assumes q to be disjoint from every previously allocated queue. This is an important design choice of Gospel that follows this general principle: writing functions that return non-fresh, mutable values is considered a bad practice in OCaml.

Merging Queues

Let's conclude this specification with a function to merge two queues. Several approaches are possible, so we'll showcase three of them.

In-Place Transfer

Start with a concatenation that transfers all elements from one queue to another:

val transfer: 'a t -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ transfer src dst
modifies src, dst
ensures src.view = Sequence.empty
ensures dst.view = old dst.view ++ old src.view *)

Here the contract states that both queues are modified. The queue src is emptied after the call and its elements are appended to the queue dst. Notice the use of old in the second postcondition. This helps us refer to the queues' state before they're passed to the function.

Destructive Operations

One could think of a slightly different version of transfer: destructive_transfer, which invalidates src when called. In other words, the value of src should be considered dirty, so it must not be used in the rest of the program. Such use cases are frequent in system programming, like when dealing with file descriptors after closing them. Gospel provides consumes clauses to capture this semantic:

val destructive_transfer: 'a t -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ destructive_transfer src dst
consumes src
modifies dst
ensures dst.view = old dst.view ++ old src.view *)

Note that we don't need to give information on src in the poststate, since its value must not be used anymore.

A Constructive Version

Finally, perhaps a simpler version may consist in a concat function that creates a fresh queue with the elements of the queues passed as arguments:

val concat: 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
(*@ new = concat q1 q2
ensures new.view = q1.view ++ q2.view *)

In this version, no modifies appears. This means that none of the arguments are modified by the function, so specifying their models in the poststate isn't necessary.

  1. Arthur Charguéraud, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Cláudio Lourenço, Mário Pereira. GOSPEL -Providing OCaml with a Formal Specification Language. FM 2019 - 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods, Oct 2019, Porto, Portugal. ⟨hal-02157484