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Function Contracts

A function contract is a formal Gospel specification attached to the declaration of an OCaml function in an interface. Here is an example:

val euclidean_division: int -> int -> int * int
(*@ q, r = euclidean_division x y
requires y > 0
ensures x = q * y + r
ensures 0 <= r < y *)

A function contract is composed of two parts:

  • The first line is the header of the contract; it names the function arguments and results and must appear at the beginning of the contract.
  • The next lines contain as many specification clauses as needed. The previous example features three clauses: one precondition introduced by requires and two postconditions introduced by ensures.
Function contract syntax
contract = header? clause*
header = (identifier_tuple "=")? identifier parameter+
clause = "requires" formula
| "checks" formula
| "ensures" formula
| "raises" exception_case ("|" exception-case)*
| "modifies" expr ("," expr)*
| "equivalent" string_literal
| "diverges"
| "pure"
| "consumes" expr ("," expr)*
exception_case = qualid "->" formula
| qualid pattern "->" formula
| qualid
identifier_tuple = identifier ("," identifier)*
parameter = "()" | identifier | "~" identifier | "?" identifier

Even if the order of clauses is not imposed by the grammar, we suggest to use the following systematic order for uniformity:

  • requires preconditions,
  • checks preconditions,
  • modifies and consumes effects,
  • ensures postconditions,
  • raises exceptional postconditions.

Default Behaviour

To avoid boilerplate for usual properties, Gospel applies a default contract whenever a function has a specification attached. Of course, any explicitly declared clause overrides this implicit contract.

When a function has a contract attached, the default contract contains the following properties:

  • The function terminates.
  • The function does not raise any exception other than Stack_overflow or Out_of_memory.
  • The function does not have any visible side-effect on the memory. In other words, if it mutates some data, this has no observable influence on the values in the rest of the program.

In the absence of a contract attached to a function declaration, you cannot make any assumptions about its behaviour: the function may diverge, raise unlisted exceptions, or modify mutable states. However, it still cannot break any type invariant.

You can still enable the default implicit properties about exceptions, mutability, non-termination, etc., by creating an empty contract:

val euclidean_division: int -> int -> int * int
(*@ q, r = euclidean_division x y *)


Preconditions are properties that must hold at the function entry. You can use them to describe requirements on the function's inputs, but you can also possibly use them on a global state that exists outside of the function arguments.

You can express preconditions using the keyword requires or checks followed by a formula.


A requires clause states under which conditions a specified function has a well-specified behaviour.

Whenever a requires precondition is violated, its behaviour becomes unspecified, and the call should be considered faulty. Even if the function execution terminates, any other information provided by the contract (postconditions, exceptions, effects, ...) cannot be assumed.

For example, the following function requires y to be positive to behave correctly.

val eucl_division: int -> int -> int * int
(*@ q, r = eucl_division x y
requires y > 0
ensures x = q * y + r
ensures 0 <= r < y *)


Preconditions introduced with checks hold at function entry. However, unlike requires clauses, the behaviour of the function is well-specified in case the prestate doesn't meet such a precondition. The function fails by raising an OCaml Invalid_argument exception and doesn't modify any existing state. The call is not faulty, but the caller is now in charge of handling the exception.

For example, if we change the function contract of eucl_division above by replacing requires with checks, it now states that the function raises Invalid_argument whenever y <= 0.

Combining multiple pre-conditions

Whenever multiple preconditions of the same kind coexist, they hold as a conjunction, which means

(*@ ...
requires P
requires Q *)

is equivalent to:

(*@ ...
requires P /\ Q *)

When combining checks and requires preconditions, the declaration order doesn't matter. The requires clauses take precedence and must always be respected; otherwise, the checks behaviour cannot be assumed. This means that ultimately,

(*@ ...
requires P
checks Q *)

is equivalent to:

(*@ ...
requires P
checks P -> Q *)

Specification formulas can often be written using few clauses, but splitting the specification into several smaller clauses leads to better readability and maintainability and is therefore encouraged.


Postconditions are properties that hold at the function exit. They are used to specify how the function's outputs relate to its inputs and how the call mutated the memory.


When a function raises an exception, its postconditions are not expected to hold. You must use exceptional postconditions instead.

Gospel introduces postconditions using the keyword ensures followed by a formula.

As discussed in the previous section, the property expressed by the formula is verified after the function call only if the preconditions were satisfied.

Combining multiple postconditions

The handling of multiple postconditions is identical to preconditions of the same kind. Multiple postconditions are merged as a conjunction:

(*@ ...
ensures P
ensures Q *)

is equivalent to:

(*@ ...
ensures P /\ Q *)

Exceptional Postconditions

Exceptional postconditions are used to specify the exceptions that can be raised by the function and what postconditions hold in those cases.

By default, functions should not raise any exceptions, and doing so is a violation of the specification. Whenever a function can raise an exception as part of its expected behaviour, this exception must be listed along with the associated postconditions.


Some exceptions are implicitly allowed and do not have to be listed because they could be unexpectedly triggered, depending on the specifics of the machine the code is executed on.

The implicitly allowed exceptions are Stack_overflow and Out_of_memory.

This is equivalent to adding a raises Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow -> true clause to every function contract. Of course, you can still override that behaviour by stating a property whenever these exceptions are raised, like any other exception:

(*@ ...
raises Stack_overflow -> false *)

Exceptional clauses are expressed using a raises keyword, followed by a list of cases associating each exception with its formula. Those clauses use a syntax similar to pattern-matching.

Gospel expects each raises clause to perform an exhaustive pattern-matching for each exception constructor listed in this clause. Similar to OCaml's pattern-matching, when an exception is raised, the postcondition that's satisfied is the first match in the list of cases.

(*@ ...
raises Unix_error (ENAMETOOLONG, _, _) -> P
| Unix_error _ -> Q *)

The previous contract (notice that it's an exhaustive pattern-matching on the Unix_error exception) only states that P holds whenever Unix_error is raised with argument ENAMETOOLONG, and Q holds whenever the function raises Unix_error with a different argument. (P doesn't necessarily hold in this case.)

Combining multiple exceptional post-conditions

When multiple exceptional postconditions exist, they hold independently of each other, meaning that the raised exception is matched against each raises's case list, and each matching post-condition must hold in conjunction. For instance, the contract:

(*@ ...
raises Error "foo" -> P | Error _ -> Q
raises Error x -> R *)

implies that

  • when Error "foo" is raised, both P and R hold, but not necessarily Q;
  • when Error is raised with with an argument different from "foo", both Q and R hold, but not necessarily P.

Code Equivalence

Complementary to other specification clauses, Gospel allows you to talk about code equivalence in the function contract. Put it in a string containing the OCaml code that behaves like the function, preceded by the equivalent keyword.

This is useful when specifying functions whose behaviour can hardly be expressed in pure logic:

type 'a t
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ iter f t
equivalent "List.iter f (to_list t)" *)

With such a specification, no logical assertion is provided, but applying iter to f and t is equivalent to applying List.iter to f and the conversion of t to a list. This doesn't leak implementation details, as iter might in fact be implemented in a different, more efficient way. It does however make the specification concise and elegant.


At the moment, the Gospel type-checker does not type-check the code provided inside the equivalent clauses and will take it as-is.


By default, OCaml functions with an attached contract implicitly terminate.

If a function is allowed to not terminate (e.g., a server main loop, a function waiting for a signal or event, etc.), one can add this information to the contract using the diverges keyword.

The following example states that the execution of the function run may not terminate. It doesn't specify whether this function is always non-terminating or not.

val run : unit -> unit
(*@ run ()
(* ... *) *)

Data Mutability

In the default specification, functions don't mutate any observable data. If your function mutates an argument or some global state, you may specify it using the keyword modifies, followed by an identifier. In the following, the contents model of a can be modified by inplace_map.

type 'a t
(*@ mutable model contents: int *)

val inplace_map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ inplace_map f a
modifies a.contents *)

If the function only modifies a few models of a value, these may be explicitly added to the clause.

If a specific model is not mentioned, the whole data structure and its mutable models are potentially mutated.

val inplace_map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ inplace_map f a
modifies a *)

In this example, all the mutable models of a can be mutated by inplace_map.


When a modifies clause is present, it affects all the declared postconditions and exceptional postconditions, meaning that the function may mutate data even in the case of exceptional postconditions.

If your data was not mutated in an exceptional poststate, for instance if the function raised an exception instead of mutating the data, you have to manually specify it:

exception E
val inplace_map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ inplace_map f a
modifies a.contents
raises E -> a.contents = old (a.contents) *)

Pure Functions

An OCaml function can be declared as pure, which means it

  • has no side effect;
  • raises no exception;
  • terminates.
val length : 'a t -> int
(*@ pure *)

Pure functions can be used in further Gospel specifications. On the contrary, OCaml functions not declared as pure cannot be used in specifications.

Data Consumption

Gospel provides a specific syntax to specify that some data has been consumed by the function, and should be considered dirty (that is, not used anymore) in the rest of the program. This is expressed with the consumes keyword:

val destructive_transfer: 'a t -> 'a t -> unit
(*@ destructive_transfer src dst
consumes src
... *)

Ghost Parameters

Functions can take or return ghost values to ease the writing of function contracts. Such values appear within brackets in the contract header.

Consider the following log2 function:

val log2: int -> int
(*@ r = log2 [i: integer] x
requires i >= 0
requires x = pow 2 i
ensures r = i *)

In this contract, the ghost parameter i is used in both the preconditions and postconditions. By introducing it as a ghost value, we avoid using quantifiers to state the existence of i.


Since the type of ghost parameters does not appear in the OCaml signature, it must be given explicitly.