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Logical Declarations

Functions, Predicates and Axioms

It's often convenient to introduce shortcuts for terms and formulas to avoid repetitions. Predicates let you write named formulae definitions in Gospel comments. Here is a typical example:

(*@ predicate is_sorted (a: int array) =
forall i j. 0 <= i <= j < Array.length a
-> a.(i) <= a.(j) *)

We can then reuse the predicate is_sorted inside any Gospel annotations such as function contracts:

val merge: int array -> int array -> int array
(*@ c = merge a b
requires is_sorted a
requires is_sorted b
ensures is_sorted c *)

Similarly, one can define a shortcut for terms using Gospel's functions.

(*@ function powm (x y m: integer) : integer = mod (pow x y) m *)

Both predicate definitions and function definitions may be recursive. A recursive definition requires the rec keyword like in OCaml:

(*@ predicate rec is_sorted_list (l: int list) = match l with
| [] | _ :: [] -> true
| h :: (y :: _ as t) -> h <= y /\ is_sorted_list t *)

Logical functions and predicates can be left uninterpreted, ie without declaring their bodies, for instance:

(*@ predicate is_sorted (a: int array) *)
(*@ function powm (x y m: integer) : integer *)

Finally, it is also possible to define axioms, for instance:

(*@ axiom unbounded_integers : forall i. exists j. j > i *)

Logical Function Contracts

Similarly to OCaml functions, contracts can be added to logical declarations.

(*@ function rec fibonacci (n: integer) : integer =
if n <= 1 then n else fibonacci (n-2) + fibonacci (n-1) *)
(*@ requires n >= 0 *)

Such a contract doesn't prevent you from calling fibonacci on negative integers. For instance, fibonacci (-1) is a valid Gospel term. However, we know nothing about its value: the definition of fibonacci holds only when its precondition is true.

The above is equivalent to an uninterpreted function together with an axiom, as follows:

(*@ function fibonacci (n: integer) : integer *)

(*@ axiom fibonacci_def : forall n. n >= 0 ->
fibonacci n =
if n <= 1 then n
else fibonacci (n-2) + fibonacci (n-1) *)

Logical symbols can also come with postconditions. For instance, we can assert that Fibonacci numbers are non-negative:

(*@ function rec fibonacci (n: integer) : integer =
if n <= 1 then n else fibonacci (n-2) + fibonacci (n-1) *)
(*@ requires n >= 0
ensures result >= 0 *)

Note that as opposed to OCaml function contracts, logical function contracts don't have a header. Consequently, Gospel automatically introduces a variable called result in the context to refer to the value returned by the function in a postcondition.

The postcondition of fibonacci is equivalent to adding an axiom along with an uninterpreted counterpart.

(*@ axiom fibonacci_post : forall n. n >= 0 -> fibonacci n >= 0 *)

Note that the postcondition holds only when the precondition holds.


Gospel doesn't perform any verification beyond type-checking. If you wish to verify that the definition indeed complies with its contract, you must use an external tool such as Why3Gospel.

Termination Arguments

Using recursive definitions in the logical domain can introduce inconsistencies. For instance, consider the following recursive function:

(*@ function rec f (n: integer): integer = f n + 1 *)

As explained above, it's perfectly fine to mention f 0 in a formula. Although we don't know its value, we know that f 0 = f 0 + 1, thus 0 = 1, which is obviously inconsistent.

In order to prevent this, it's a good practice to provide a termination argument for each recursive definition. Gospel provides one way of doing this via variants.

(*@ function rec fibonacci (n: integer) : integer =
if n <= 1 then n else fibonacci (n-2) + fibonacci (n-1) *)
(*@ requires n >= 0
variant n *)

Similarly to contracts, Gospel doesn't perform any verification that the variant indeed ensures the termination, it will only checks that it's of type integer. It's up to an external tool to exploit the expression given as variant to check termination.