Your First Specification
Let us get started with a simple specification example, and specify a generic interface for polymorphic, limited capacity containers.
type 'a t
(** The type for containers. *)
exception Full
val create: int -> 'a t
(** [create capacity] is an empty container whose maximum capacity
is [capacity]. *)
val is_empty: 'a t -> bool
(** [is_empty t] is [true] iff [t] contains no elements. *)
val clear: 'a t -> unit
(** [clear t] removes all values in [t]. *)
val add: 'a t -> 'a -> unit
(** [add t x] adds [x] to the container [t], or raises [Full] if
[t] has reached its maximum capacity. *)
val mem: 'a t -> 'a -> bool
(** [mem t x] is [true] iff [t] contains [x]. *)
Gospel specifications live in special comments, starting with the @
These comments may be attached to type declarations or value declarations. They
provide a specification for the signature item they are attached to.
Models and Invariants for 'a t
Let's start by specifying the abstract type 'a t
. As a container with fixed
capacity, we can model it with two pieces of information: a fixed integer
capacity and a set of 'a
values, representing its contents. Note that the
capacity is not mutable even though the contents are. This logical model of
the container directly translates into Gospel:
type 'a t
(** The type for containers. *)
(*@ model capacity: int
mutable model contents: 'a set *)
Notice that documentation comments and Gospel specifications can coexist and often even help understand each other! However, for the sake of brevity, we will omit docstrings in the rest of this section.
One may also note that the capacity must be positive and that the number of values
in the contents
set may not exceed capacity
. Those are type invariants:
type 'a t
(*@ model capacity: int
mutable model contents: 'a set
with t
invariant t.capacity > 0
invariant Set.cardinal t.contents <= t.capacity *)
The Set
module is part of the Gospel standard library. Although
it tries to mimic familiar interfaces from the OCaml standard library, those two
should not be confused. Only logical declarations can appear in specifications!
Now that we annotated our type with its models and invariants, we can attach specifications to the functions to show how they interact with the container.
Your First Function Contract: create
The function create
returns a container when provided a capacity. We may want
to specify three pieces of information:
- The provided capacity is positive.
- The returned container's capacity is indeed the one received as an argument.
- The container is empty.
Let's write a Gospel formalisation of that contract. The contract starts with a
header that names the arguments and the return value. We'll call the argument
and the return value t
. Now we can mention them in the rest of the
specification. The first property is a precondition of the function (we use the
keyword requires
), while the second and third ones are post-conditions (the
keyword is ensures
val create: int -> 'a t
(*@ t = create c
requires c > 0
ensures t.capacity = c
ensures t.contents = Set.empty *)
Simple Accessors: is_empty
and mem
Now on to is_empty
and mem
is_empty t
is true if and only if t
is empty; this is a post-condition. This
function also (hopefully) has no side-effect: it doesn't modify t
depend on any internal state, or raise exceptions. In Gospel's
language, this function is pure.
val is_empty: 'a t -> bool
(*@ b = is_empty t
ensures b <-> t.contents = Set.empty *)
The specification for mem
is similar:
val mem: 'a t -> 'a -> bool
(*@ b = mem t x
ensures b <-> Set.mem x t.contents *)
Mutating Arguments and Raising Exceptions
Finally, let's specify clear
and add
, which are functions that mutate the
The function clear
removes all elements from its argument, meaning it's empty
after the call. Obviously, it modifies the contents
model of its argument.
After its execution, the container should be empty. Note that we are only
allowed to mention is_empty
in the specification because it's a pure
function. Attempting to use a non-pure OCaml function in a specification will
result in a Gospel error.
val clear: 'a t -> unit
(*@ clear t
modifies t.contents
ensures is_empty t *)
A first attempt at specifying add
is similar to the previous examples. We use
Gospel's old
primitive to refer to the container's state prior to the
function execution:
val add: 'a t -> 'a -> unit
(*@ add t x
modifies t.contents
ensures t.contents = Set.add x (old t.contents) *)
However, notice that this specification is incomplete. One specificity of this
function is that it can raise Full
, so let's complete that contract with this
piece of information. If add
raises Full
, we can deduce that t.contents
already contains t.capacity
exception Full
val add: 'a t -> 'a -> unit
(*@ add t x
modifies t.contents
ensures t.contents = Set.add x (old t.contents)
raises Full -> Set.cardinal (old t.contents) = t.capacity
/\ t.contents = old t.contents *)
Since we have a modifies
clause, the contents of t
may be mutated even when
is raised. The last line of specification forbids such a behavior.
Notice how we didn't need to repeat that S.cardinal t.contents <= t.capacity
in every contract. As a type invariant, this property implicitly holds in every
function's prestate and poststate.
Type-Checking Your Specification
We're done! Our module interface is fully specified and independent of any implementation. The full example is available in container.mli in case you want to play with it. Let's finish by verifying that these are well-typed and call Gospel's type-checker:
$ gospel check ./container.mli