pattern p
translates a Gospel pattern into the matching OCaml pattern
val term : context:Context.t -> Gospel.Tterm.term -> Ppxlib.expression
term ~context t
translates a Gospel typed term into the corresponding OCaml value using the translation context
val term_with_catch :
context:Context.t ->
Gospel.Tterm.term ->
term_with_catch ~context t
returns the expression generated by term ~context t
inside a try ... catch
that wraps any raised exception into an Ortac_runtime.Partial_function
exception to trace the origin of the exception
val core_type_of_ty : context:Context.t -> Gospel.Ttypes.ty -> Ppxlib.core_type
core_type_of_ty ~context ty
translates a Gospel type into the corresponding OCaml core_type
val core_type_of_ty_with_subst :
context:Context.t ->
(string -> Ppxlib.core_type option) ->
Gospel.Ttypes.ty ->
core_type_of_ty_with_subst subst ty
translates a Gospel type into the corresponding OCaml core_type
applying subst
on the type variables
val core_type_of_tysymbol :
context:Context.t ->
Gospel.Ttypes.tysymbol ->
core_type_of_tysymbol ts
translates a Gospel type symbol into the corresponding OCaml core_type
val ocaml_type_decl_of_gospel_type_decl :
context:Context.t ->
Gospel.Tast.type_declaration ->
ocaml_type_decl_of_gospel_type_decl ~context td
translates a Gospel type declaration into the corresponding OCaml type_declaration